Archive for August, 2012

Chemical weapons; To use or Not to use?

Bashar Assad had stock-piled quite a collection of chemical weapons purchased from N. Korea and Iran.

To use or Not to use Chemical Weapons on civilians like Saddam did before on Kurds in the north; could be the last option that Bashar may resort to during his final days.  But this; will prevent him and his Alawite clan from declaring their enclave in the mountains.

The safety and longevity of the Alawites sect rests today on Al-Assad’s family. The father;  Hafez Al-Assad; raised this indigenous group to a near civilized level by educating them, employing them, and enriching them.  Now; the sons Bashar and Maher Al-Assad seem to be leading their clan back to the mountains where they will isolate themselves and disconnect from every thread of civilization; assuming they survive the ethnic cleansing transpired by their Chiefs’ stupidity to hold on to power and to go all out, including genocidal and war crimes; to maintain power.

The massacre of Damascenes committed by Baathist terrorists “al-shabbiha”, and other massacres and mass graves in Aleppo, Houla and others; will be the impetus not only for civil war but also for ethnic cleansing, mainly committed by groups that believe the Alwites sect must be extinct for Syria to survive in the Arab world and the International community.  These groups however make up the majority of Syrians including Shiites.

Flights over Damascus and Aleppo by Russian jets to bomb “foreign elements” as declared by the Baathists to take control of the Capital Damascus and the economic center Aleppo; these flights should be prohibited by the International community any way possible.  These sorties are commanded by only Alawites pilots and they are being used also as dry-runs to use those chemical and germ warfare when the time is right for Bashar and his mentally unstable brother Maher al-Assad.

No-Fly zones must be implemented immediately over Damascus, Aleppo, Homs and North-eastern Syria, where the likelihood of chemical and germ weapons will be used.  The plans to use these weapons are on the table, and the likely scenario would be for the regime to announce that “foreign elements and Al-Qaeda members” had raided one of the warehouses where some chemical weapons went missing, and then to declare a week or two after that, that these weapons have been used to destabilize Syria.

The Assad’s and their cronies are stupid enough to think they can fabricate a mission like that.  It is an act of desperation as we enter the final chapter of the Free Syria revolution.

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