Archive for May, 2013

Assad Chemical Weapons are out and moving

The Israeli strike today -Friday 3 May- on Syrian targets; confirmed that Bashar and Maher Al-Assad are transporting chemical weapons to terrorist groups inside Lebanon.  This move by the Assad family and their Alawites cronies was made in order to escalate the destabilization of the region and deter attention from their inept and brutal ruling, while gaining some Arab support.  This is the second strike by Israel this year; first in January, striking Assad’s supply line to terrorist groups in Lebanon backed by Iran.

The Assad family has indeed crossed the redline set by the Obama administration; they have used chemical weapons on innocent Syrian villagers, and have attempted to transport these chemical weapons to groups in Lebanon.  But the White House maintain their calm citing more concrete evidence needed before involvement.  This is frankly cowardness on the part of the Obama administration.  But their action is only due to AIPAC lobby in Washington and their influence to keep the US out of assisting Syrian rebels toppling the Assad’s and their Alawites clan.  Israel enjoys close relationship and cooperation with Bashar and Maher Al-Assad.  A new democratic government in Syria would certainly throw away all Israeli calculus in the region.  It is quite plausible that Bashar had orchestrated this theatrical play, playing both sides, or three sides as in this case.  His murderer father Hafez Al-Assad was good at that.

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