Crimes and Brutalities of an illegitimate ruler

The Assad family has ruled Syria for over 30 years during which atrocities have been committed and documented.  These atrocities have never been seen before in modern history anywhere except in places like Rwanda and Sudan (where the international community turned a blind eye, simply because; it’s Africa, and Africans are NOT White Anglo-Saxon People, and there is no “wealth” to be made there).  The Assad’s government and the Alawites ruling family have lost legitimacy to govern and maintain peace in Syria or in the region.  They have
adapted though to a new style of gangster and mafia style reprisal; by torturing and murdering children and raping young women to inject the highest level of fear amongst civilians.   Bashar Assad, his father, and younger brother Maher along with top current and previous
government officials including Refaat Assad and Ali Douba, should be indicted and tried by the International Criminal Court for genocide, complicity in genocide, crimes against humanity, and violations of the laws or customs of war in Syria and Lebanon from 1969-Present time.

The documented brutal killing of civilians, rape and disappearances in cities like Deraa, Hama and the inhumane treatment of the minority Kurds, the assassinations of elected leaders and civilians – during the brutal occupation of Lebanon- amount to nothing less than genocide and crimes against humanity.

As in Gaddafi rape-war; The Assads and the Alawites are conducting terrifying acts of tortures, rape, mutilations and then killing of
youngsters in order to horror-shock the peaceful civilian.  And while the failing government of Assad is –stupidly- denying these acts, they are pleased of the images of “faces of death” that send their message to the Syrian civilians in a loud format “WE WILL DO THIS TO YOUR

If Bashar Assad has ever had any legitimacy to presidency; he has lost this legitimacy now, and he must resign and turn himself to a court
of law.  How could any leader stand-by and allows the torture, mutilation and the execution of a teenage boys?  How could any leader helps spread lies and demagoguery about innocent children and peaceful civilians for merely demonstrating for reforms? Apparently, Bashar Assad, his Alawites tribe and the business leaders in Damascus and Aleppo could.
Equally disturbing; are the leaders of Russia and China that vetoed and will veto any resolutions condemning Bashar and the Syrian government for their brutal crackdown.  After all, since when Russia and China were leaders in human rights issues?  This is such an oxymoronic statement!

The Assads and the Alawites have cut off water, food supplies and electricity to towns and villages. Banned all journalists; shut
down the internet and cut off phone communications; all to conduct their horrifying and brutal crackdown on the Syrian people.
Conducting most of their operations at night with the help of Iranian war supplies and night-vision goggles.  And coming soon; the air bombing campaign; like the father Hafez Assad did to the city of Hamah in 1982 where 20-30 thousands have vanished.

A civil war is on the brink of unfolding, and a humanitarian crisis of a magnificent scale is near.

Bashar and Maher Assad are war criminals; the ICC and the UN must act now.  The “silent iron curtain” of
the Alwaites in Syria must come to an end soon without causing massive casualties and avoiding large-scale humanitarian crisis.

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